【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Chester Watson / Japanese Horror Film【LP2021/6/4発売】
A Japanese Horror Film" is a dive into the realm of possibility. Surreal in nature, Chester Watsons opus touches subjects like astral projection, past lives, reincarnation, folklore and mythology. Its when a trip to Japan to clear his mind turns into an inter-dimensional journey of impromptu meetings with Yokai. Its attempt to get you yourself to destroy the things that could change you and the people around you for the better. For the last half-decade, Chester has mastered the art of dusted and damaged psychedelic music, ideal for imprecations and illicit behavior, baleful hymns and bleak parables. He has re-imagined himself as a cursed black Pharaoh covered in golden scarabs, an enigma with wings, suffused with Eastern philosophy, skateboards, and spitting raps as hot as Guatemalan springs. A new anti-hero with venom, the ballet-dancing beast hallucinated on ayahuasca or just too much liquor. As Watson says himself, "the best villain since Mad-V." After touring the world, appearing in Adult Swims Singles series, and crafting more necromantic spells, Watsons returned with A Japanese Horror Film," featuring guest spots from frequent collaborators, Kent Loon of Nu Age, Psymun (producer for Young Thug, The Weeknd), and Dua Saleh - and mastering by L.A. underground legend, Zeroh. Pitchfork hailed his ability to build a "self contained world with his magnetic monotone and intricate, evocative raps.こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2021/6/4発売輸入盤レーベル:POW RECORDINGS収録曲: